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Marriage Preparation

I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice,
in steadfast love and in mercy
- Hosea 2:19

Getting Married?

Interested in getting married in a Catholic Church?

All couples attend a Pre-Cana class where you join together with other engaged couples to take a closer look at married life: communication, intimacy, children, finances, and faith.

Please contact our parish office to learn more and to check the availability for wedding dates at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish.

The sacrament of Marriage

Congratulations on your engagement!

This is a joyous (and busy) time in your life as you prepare to share your love, life and faith with your fiancé. We’re happy to help you prepare for your marriage and your wedding.  

Please contact our parish office to make an appointment with one of our priests so they can guide you as you prepare for the sacrament of matrimony.

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