Adult FAith Formation
Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us
on the way and opened the scriptures to us?
Lk 24:32
Grow in your Faith
Adult Faith Formation (AFF) is an understanding that faith is a life-long journey, and to grow or mature in faith, we must consciously grow in the life of Christ. How do we do that?
The AFF team at Our Lady of Guadalupe strives to provide care and development for adults and families through various programs, education, and formation opportunities. Their goal is to bring the Gospel to all structures of society: family life, political life, workplace, science and the arts, and mass media.

The team wants to help you learn more about Jesus Christ, the Bible,what we believe as Catholics and why we believe it.
They strive to offer opportunities for group or individual studies, faith-sharing and discussion, prayer and reflection, and fellowship with other adults.
These opportunities provide ways for you to grow in relationship with Christ, better understand the Bible and learn ways to bring your faith into your everyday life.
Your Journey
Does it feel like something is lacking in your life? Do you want to be stronger in your faith, but aren’t sure how?
Does meeting in a small group or attending a seminar to discuss a faith topic, the gospel or an inspiring book sound interesting? Would you like to have the resources to learn more about your faith, the saints and today’s Catholic issues on your own time?
The AFF opportunities at OLG try to meet people where they are in their faith journey. Perhaps you are answering the call to “Come and See,” with curiosity. Or perhaps you are answering Jesus’ call to “Follow Me,” engaged in wanting to learn and grow.
Or perhaps you are answering His call to mission, to “Go therefore and make disciples,” consciously sharing the Good News in the world. No matter where you are in the journey, OLG has something for you!

The ongoing development of a living and fruitful Christian faith in adulthood requires growth in six dimensions:
Knowledge of the Faith,
Liturgical Life,
Moral Formation,
Communal Life,
and Missionary Spirit.
Each of them is an important aspect of Christian life and the foundation for adult faith formation.
For more information on each of these dimensions, see the US Bishops document -
“Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us”