First Holy Communion
I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.
- John 6:35

Making your
First Holy Communion
When a family member makes their First Holy Communion, it is an exciting event for the whole family.
The boy or girl preparing for this sacrament is going to be profoundly united with Jesus in a way that they never have before!
We celebrate. And the very act of celebrating reveals our belief in the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
- Whitney Hetzel
The sacrament of First Holy Communion
You’re always encouraged to full participate in Mass by receiving Christ in His Precious Body and Blood. When you receive the Eucharist you bring Christ to the world through your actions and grow deeper in communion with God.
First Holy Communion is a momentous event in your child’s initiation into the Body of Christ. For information about your child’s First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation, see the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP).