Love in Deed
service ministry
LOVE IN DEED service Ministry
The Love in Deed Service Ministry provides our parishioners the opportunity to practice some of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
This ministry has more than 60 members and is always seeking new members. Members do not need to be health professionals and are welcome to participate as much as their “time, talent, and treasure” allow; no amount of assistance is too small.

Your Opportunity to Help
Our many opportunities include:
“Feed the Hungry” and “Give Drink to the Thirsty” via monthly food drives delivered to two local food banks as well as preparing meals for parish members in need.
We also collaborate with Caring for Friends to prepare and provide individual home-cooked frozen meals to those in need in the Greater Philadelphia area.
All parishioners are invited to help us "Feed the Hungry" by preparing meals at home for distribution to the poor.
“Sheltering the Homeless” as an Apartment Partner of the Bucks County Housing Group (BCHG.org) and via the work of the Ministry’s Life Help Group;
“Visit the Sick” via operating parish blood drives, visiting the homebound, providing respite care for family caregivers of sick parishioners, and providing meals for ill or recuperating parishioners and their families.
More Opportunities
“Give Alms to the Poor” and “Clothe the Naked” by means of clothing drives, school supply backpack drives, grocery store gift card collections.
We make baby blankets for Haiti created by the "Ministry’s Prayer Shawl Group"; Knitting and crocheting prayer shawls, for anyone needing the comforting warmth of a shawl, and the prayers put into its creation. We knit baby blankets too, for every baby baptized at Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Our "Life Help Ministry" helps those seeking assistance for money for food, clothing, rent, utility bills and more. More volunteers are needed to assess and assist these clients.