Serving Persons with Disabilities
“…spread a culture of encounter, solidarity and hospitality towards persons with disabilities,”
- Pope Francis.
Serving Persons with Disabilities Ministry
Everyone is welcome at our parish and everyone belongs. We are all members of the Body of Christ. The Serving Persons with Disabilities Ministry seeks to create an awareness of the needs of our parishioners with disabilities and to identify ways to increase belonging and inclusion at our parish.
We welcome members with disabilities, their caregivers, and anyone who feels called to help widen the welcome and the support of our members with any disability at any age. We strive to increase their participation at Mass and at all opportunities for community at Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Ministry Leader Contact – Karen Babik, kbabik1@verizon.net
How can I participate at OLG Parish?
Everyone is welcome to join us for Mass and all liturgical celebrations. All parishioners are invited to join our various ministries.
We currently have members of all abilities in our various ministries including the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP), ushers, Knights of Columbus, Health and Wellness Ministry, Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) sports, choir, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Guardians of Guadalupe (help church with light cleaning) and more.

American Sign Language Mass:
The sign language interpreted Masses at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church are on the first, second, third and fifth Sundays (when applicable) of the month at the 10:30 Mass.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
235 East State Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
New Sensory Friendly Mass at OLG
We are a Parish that Welcomes Adults and Children with Disabilities
Imagine not being able to attend Mass as a family, worshipping God together, because the lights, sounds, crowds or any other stimuli could trigger a massive behavioral outburst in a family member. Splitting up for Mass is often the only viable option that families with special-needs children or other family members see. Some families prefer to make this choice rather than risk aggressive behaviors or receiving condemning looks from other churchgoers.
As Catholics we believe that all people are made in the image and likeness of God, and that all the Baptized share in the life and mission of the Church. This includes people from every range of ability. As a parish we are mindful and respectful of families who have children with disabilities and adults with disabilities, or mental illness. At times due to the behavioral aspects of some disabling conditions, parents and caregivers seem to sense from some parishioners that their child or loved one may not be welcome during the celebration of Mass. We can work together to change this perception.
As a parish community, let us strive to be patient, respectful and helpful to individuals with disabilities and seek ways to assist families so that they can worship together as a family and we may have the blessing of their presence with us as we become one Eucharistic community of faith.
New Sensory Friendly Mass at OLG
Second Sunday of each Month
Beginning Sunday, September 10, 2023
11:00 a.m. Mass
What is a Sensory Mass? Simply put, it’s a quieter Mass, with less stimuli. People with disabilities are always welcome to participate in all liturgies at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. In order to better serve these individuals, the second Sunday of each month, the 11:00 a.m. Mass will provide additional accommodations.

If they choose to, families and adults with disabilities can join us for Mass in the Saint Juan Diego Chapel or in the main Church.
Accommodations in the Saint Juan Diego Chapel
Private entrance via the Saint Francis Courtyard
Private bathroom
Lower volume on TV to watch Mass
Calming/quiet area
No incense
Dimmed lights
Feel free to bring comforting toys, noise-cancelling headphones, sun glasses and more to make you or your family member more comfortable.
For questions about the Sensory Friendly Mass Contact Karen Babik: kbabik1@verizon.net
Accommodations for those with special requirements:
Assistive Listening Devices (more details below)
Pews that are inset to accommodate walkers and wheelchairs
Eucharistic ministers/priests to give communion
Low-gluten hosts
Livestreamed Sunday Mass and Weekday Mass
Travel assistance to Mass
Drop-off at curbside
Plentiful handicap parking
Elevator to choir loft and to second floor of Parish Life Center
Access to Parish Life Center from courtyard
Restroom accommodations (ADA)
The Saint Juan Diego Chapel in the church is a smaller room with a screen

Assistive Devices for persons with hearing loss
or a voice, speech, or language disorder
The parish has assistive devices for parishioners to borrow during Mass to make it easier to hear the service. We have wireless devices available and they can be borrowed from an usher for the duration of the Mass to be returned at the end of the Mass.
The wireless device needs a headset to go along with it. These items connect to the wireless device and can be purchased with a $10 donation. The headset is kept by the parishioner and should be brought to Mass each week for use with the borrowed wireless device. Please see an usher if you wish to use an assistive device.
Low-Gluten Hosts Available
If you require a low-gluten host for you or a family member, please see an usher before Mass to arrange to receive a low-gluten host during the Eucharistic Devotion.
When it is time to receive Holy Communion, please go in line to receive from the priest who is celebrating Mass and let them know you need a low-gluten host.
Respite Care Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Get the help you need when you are in a meeting, in the hospital, on vacation or other events. All respite families have training to support adults with intellectual disabilities.
484-472-5068 or 484-472-5069, for more details.

Events & Programs
The Annual Archdiocesan Eucharistic Liturgy with Persons with Disabilities, The Deaf Community, Family, Friends and Caregivers
Archbishop Nelson Perez, Archbishop of Philadelphia will be the principal celebrant and homilist. A light reception is held following the Mass. All are Welcome.
We encourage parish participation and individuals/parish groups to volunteer in assisting with all aspects of the Mass and reception.
Spring - 2023
Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul
18th and Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA.
May is Mental Illness Awareness Month

International Day of Person's with disabilities is celebrated on December 3, 2022.
Helpful Links
National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities:
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office for Persons with Disabilities:
Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Help-Line:
Do you need help accessing services and supports for someone with an intellectual disability or autism? The CSS Developmental Programs Help-Line is available to answer your questions.
Ministry Contact: Karen Babik
OLG: 215-348-4190

National Catholic Partner on Disability
Autism Spectrum Disorder:
Universal Prayer for Autism:
Resources for those who are Blind are Partially Sighted:
The resources from the Xavier Society are invaluable for parishioners who are blind or partially sighted. Xavier provides audio format and Braille format of missals and spiritual reading materials. Visit their website and share with those who may benefit.