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Eighth GRADE

eighth GRADE - PREP 
The Communion of the Faithful

This Catechist led class for the Eighth grade will meet in-person on a regular basis at the Parish Life Center bi-weekly.

 In Eighth Grade PREP the year includes five units for middle school students to build on their understanding of:

  • Personal growth: our vocation to love and our responsibilities to God and each other

  • Morality: conscience formation through prayer and God's gift of an objective moral standard

  • The Citizen and Government: the natural rights of all persons and the purpose of government

  • God's Plan for Marriage and the Family: our identity as male and female, purposes and abuses of sexuality, and resisting temptation to avoid sin and grow in virtue

While it's important for your children to understand the Faith, Spirit of Truth is designed to help them internalize the Faith and apply it to their own lives, providing ample opportunity for them to reflect on how everything they are learning applies to their own lived experience.

PREP 2021/22 - weekly info - 8th grade

Meeting Bi-Weekly at the Parish Life Center

6:00 – 7:30 on Thursdays starting September 23,2021.


  • Drop-off: 6:00pm

  • Class start time: 6:15

  • Pick-up: 7:30

September 23, 2021: First Session - Intro and Unit 1,

Sessions 1 and 2: The Nature and Mission of the Catholic Church / The Four Marks of the Church

October 7, 2021: Second Session - Unit 1,

Session 8: The Four Last Things

October 19, 2021:

Tuesday, Special Event - Close of Forty Hours Eucharistic Devotion – All PREP

November 4, 2021: Third Session - Unit 2,

Sessions 9 and 11: What Is Morality? / Conscience and Our Obligation to Form It

November 18, 2021: Fourth Session - Unit 2,

Sessions 19 and 20: Temptation and the Reality of Sin / Structures of Sin and Social Sin

December 9, 2021: Fifth Session - Unit 4,

Sessions 27 and 28: Male and Female: The Imago Dei / Theology of the Body

December 7, 2021:

Tuesday, Special Event - PREP Advent Confessions (Grades 3 – 8)

Helpful Links -

School Closing Information:

NBC – Channel 10

KYW – 1060 AM Radio 

Our school closing number is 1165.

Director of Religious Education:

Dr. Daniel Drain

PREP Assistant:

Joanna Huckel

Sacramental Dates -

First Reconciliation (2nd Grade):

  • Saturday, February 19, 2022

10:00 a.m.

First Holy Communion Rehearsals (2nd Grade):

  • Friday, April 22, 2022

6:15 to 8:00 p.m.

  • Friday, April 29, 2022

6:15 to 8:00 p.m.


Holy Communion (2nd Grade):

  • Sunday, April 24, 2022

11:00 a.m. Mass

  • Sunday, May 01, 2022

11:00 a.m. Mass

Confirmation Retreat and Rehearsal (8th Grade):

  • Saturday, April 30, 2022

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.



  • Saturday, May 07, 2022

10:00 a.m.


PREP Sacramental Calendar 2021 - 2022 

The PREP calendar is also merged into the main

Parish Calendar


Please refer to the Sunday bulletin and Parish Calendar for all current dates.

Confirmation - 2022


RE: Covid-19 Protocols for Parish Religious Education Programs:


In-person Instruction As the Covid-19 and its variants continue to present challenges, the guidance from federal, state and local authorities varies and is ever-changing. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion, the Office for Catechetical Formation, in consultation with the Office of Catholic Education Covid-19 Task Force, created one, systematic plan for Archdiocesan Parish Religious Education Programs which are returning to in-person instruction for the 2021-2022 academic year.


This plan keeps the protection and safety of our parish children, most of whom are not vaccinated, foremost by mitigating exposure to the Covid-19 virus.


1. Waiver: Each student must have a signed and dated Archdiocesan Covid-19 waiver on file. If a parent/guardian refuses to sign the waiver, the family is offered a home-based catechetical plan.


2. Masks: All adults, teens and children are to be masked before, during an in-person instruction session and at dismissal until safely outdoors.


3. Social Distancing: Desks or seating must be three feet apart.


4. Classroom or Instructional space: • Environment: Keep well ventilated to the greatest extent possible to circulate fresh air; • Seating Charts: Important for Covid-19 tracing if someone tests positive and was present at PREP; • Shared School classrooms: Do not change the desk or other furniture set up.


5. Educational and Hygienic Supplies: The parish or families should provide hand sanitizer and tissues; educational materials such as crayons, markers, paper products, etc. should not be shared.


6. Cleaning and Sanitizing Shared Space: Rooms, bathrooms, high traffic areas and any shared space must be cleaned and sanitized after each PREP session.


For guidance, go to:


7. Monitoring Student Health: Parents/guardians should monitor their child’s health and not send a sick child to PREP.


8. Tracing and Reporting: If a student or an adult volunteer tests positive for Covid-19 or a variant, immediately contact the local County/City Department of Health for guidance. N.B.: Delaware County is under the state Department of Health.



Please be assured that this plan will be constantly monitored and adjusted if conditions improve or deteriorate. The Directors/Coordinators of Religious Education will be notified of these changes immediately via email.



C: Most Reverend Michael J. Fitzgerald, Rev. Stephen P. DeLacy, Dr. Andrew McLaughlin

videos - 8th grade

PREP Catechist Instructional Videos - 2020/2021

Last Year's PREP videos. 

20/21 - Eighth Grade PREP

20/21 - Eighth Grade PREP

20/21 - Eighth Grade PREP
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8 - PREP - Wk6 - lesson #3

8 - PREP - Wk6 - lesson #3

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8 - PREP - Wk4 - Lesson #2

8 - PREP - Wk4 - Lesson #2

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8- PREP - Wk2 - Lesson #1

8- PREP - Wk2 - Lesson #1

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